Lightsabers and Cake: A Day in the Life of DJ Slater
Welcome to our INSPIRE Staff Spotlight Series, where we highlight DeanHouston+ team members to learn more about them, their work, and to pick their brains on a variety of topics. Our first featured guest is DJ Slater, the publicity coordinator at DH+. In this DH+ exclusive, we sat down with the high-motor Milwaukeean to learn […]
Developing Your Blue Ocean Strategy
Nearly 71% of the earth is made of water. That’s significant, especially when you realize that more than 80% of the ocean remains unexplored. Even with modern technology, there is so much we have not experienced. Just imagine what wonders we have yet to find under the surface! The possibilities are many – and a […]
Top Five INSPIRE Podcasts of 2021
This past year was both challenging and exhilarating in many ways. From launching new endeavors to rekindling past practices, 2021 was a year filled with many twists and turns for all of us at DeanHouson+. But the year also featured plenty of bright spots, like our newly revamped INSPIRE podcast series. Along the way, we […]
Branding, Content Marketing, Inspire, Social Media, Strategic Marketing
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence
The term “emotional intelligence” (EQ) from a marketing perspective might make you think of a number of things. Maybe it conjures thoughts of brands whose social posts get people consistently excited about their products. Or perhaps it brings to mind instances when a company has directly addressed a pain point that their audience cares about. […]
Inspire, Strategic Marketing, Trade Show
INSPIRE Podcast: Episode 27 | Ed Kammerer & Dave Lacaille – Adapting to New Trends in Trade Shows
In this edition of the DH+ INSPIRE Podcast, our own Colton Stombaugh is joined by fueling industry leaders Dave Lacaille and Ed Kammerer. Dave is the Senior Director of North American Sales at Dover Fueling Solutions, and Ed is the Director of Marketing and Global Product Strategy for OPW Retail Fueling. Both veterans of fueling […]
Inspire Podcast: Episode 26 | Ashley Poe Thompson – Changing the Face of Manufacturing
This episode of the DH+ INSPIRE podcast marks another addition in our Women Transforming Manufacturing series. In this installment, we had the pleasure of spending time with Ashley Poe Thompson, Operations Manager of Polymer Drive at BASF in Chattanooga, TN. BASF is a global corporation dedicated to creating chemistry that supports a sustainable future. In […]
Content Marketing, Inspire, Social Media, Strategic Marketing
Deck the Halls With Holiday Marketing
For many retailers, December is inherently the season for targeted holiday messaging and all those unbeatable deals on consumer goods. B2C marketing, especially in retail, is a necessity. But for industrial companies with far more niche or expensive products and services, the holiday months can leave us feeling like Kevin in Home Alone. By this […]
The Importance of Gated Content
Gated content can be loosely defined as a piece of (usually) long-form content – a white paper, infographic, eBook, or another form that a business creates, but is only available to users after they provide some information such as their name and email address. The synergy makes sense in theory, wherein anyone who willfully opts […]
Branding, Inspire, Research & Analysis, Strategic Marketing
Analyzing the Competition to Better Your Brand
From personnel reviews to internal improvement campaigns, there are a lot of ways to boost your company’s performance by looking inward. But those efforts can only go so far when not paired with an external outlook. The strength of your business is built on the individual value propositions that make your brand unique, but examining […]
Event Planning & Management, Inspire, Social Media
Prioritizing a New Style of Networking
Last year changed everything. With the onset of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we all had to adjust to new ways of doing everything. This includes our business world too, where events, trade shows, outings, and in-person networking opportunities were put on hold. As we move back to a sense of normalcy, trade shows and other […]
Creating Enduring Value at the DeanHouston+ Retreat 2021
Creating long-lasting partnerships and value are two of the roots that have helped DeanHouston+ grow over the years, so much so that we chose Enduring Value for the theme of our 2021 company retreat. But what does Enduring Value mean to us? Find out by watching the following videos from this year’s DeanHouston+ retreat, where […]
Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Inspire, Media
How Marketing and Advertising Work Together (But Differently) for Your Brand
In everyday conversation, the words “marketing” and “advertising” are used interchangeably – but also sometimes incorrectly. Marketing and advertising combine to achieve the same goals: brand awareness, communication, product or service offerings, customer relations, and of course, sales. Ideally, businesses need marketing AND advertising to work in conjunction, but there are some key distinctions between […]