Meet Tina Chen: Step Challenge Champion & Marketing Maven - DeanHouston+

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Meet Tina Chen: Step Challenge Champion & Marketing Maven

Some people thrive when they are always on the go. There are those who stay busy with work and family responsibilities, while others remain even more active by visiting new places and proactively learning all they can about their various interests.

For Tina Chen, marketing manager at DeanHouston+ West, it’s all the above.

A native of Taiwan, Tina loved learning and experiencing new things at an early age. She eventually moved to the US to obtain her MBA in marketing before settling down in the Los Angeles area. After successful stints at several companies, Tina came to DeanHouston+ in 2019, where her love of learning, helping clients find success with their brands and products, and always staying active remain. These qualities, along with her organized, dedicated nature, have earned her much well-deserved praise from clients and coworkers.

“She personifies the true spirit of DeanHouston+ in that she’s always doing whatever it takes to help the team,” Publicity Coordinator and possible Jedi Knight (we’re still checking on that) at DeanHouston+ DJ Slater said. “Her dedication and strong work ethic help projects come together seamlessly.”

We chatted with Tina recently to discuss her career path, unwavering quest for knowledge, favorite shows and a lot more.

DH+: Thanks for joining us, Tina! Let’s dive right in and talk about your background a bit. Where did you grow up?
TC: I grew up in Taiwan and then came to the US to get my master’s degree.

DH+: And where was that?
TC: I got my MBA in marketing from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. After that, I moved to Los Angeles and have been here ever since.

DH+: What roles did your MBA lead to early in your career?
TC: My previous job was as a multicultural marketing manager at Rose Hills, and before that, I was the marketing manager at Regreen, a renewable energy company.

DH+: So, what drew you to DeanHouston+, and what do you enjoy about working here?
TC: The best part about working here is working with different offices and experiencing the different cultures we embrace. Working with clients overseas is also great because I get to learn a different way of doing things and how each country has differences – and similarities – when it comes to marketing and promoting their companies.

DH+: What has been your favorite moment or event(s) you’ve experienced so far at DeanHouston+?
TC: I loved the DH+ company retreat and the DH+ core competency retreat. It was great to spend time with people from all our offices.

DH+: What’s been the most fun or interesting client project or campaign you’ve handled at DH+, and what is something you would like to work on in the future?
TC: The Wilden SafeGuard campaign is the most fun one so far as it involved various tactics to promote the product and be able to try a new creative way to develop the animation. So that’s been really fun and rewarding. Another fun one is our work with a China supplier to develop PSG China’s Corporate video. There were many uncertainties and a lot of strategic communication to make it work. But with them being such a good client and good partner, everything turned out very well!

DH+: Okay, it’s well-known that you almost always win the monthly office step challenge, sometimes by a wide margin. So, how do you manage to walk so much? Or do you run too? You’re playing by the rules, right?
TC: Well, in the past, I really did not like to run. But late last year, I started to push myself to walk faster or run more, so that’s really helped push my step total up. Also, when I take my daughter to her soccer or swim practices, I do my steps and listen to audiobooks or make and take calls instead of just sitting in the car. So yes, I’m playing by the rules! (laughs). I’ve been averaging over 450,000 steps a month, which comes out to about five million a year!

DH+: You have a lot of accomplishments already, but what’s next on your list of personal and professional goals?
TC: First, I want to reduce my time watching drama shows and spend more time reading! I’d also like to see if I can go back to school to get another degree or complete another certificate program.

DH+: What would draw you back to school now, especially after having completed your MBA?
TC: Learning is a lifelong thing. I feel I may not have absorbed as much in the past as I’d like. I’d be interested in going back to either update my current degree or explore something new to focus on.

DH+: From Taiwan to Pennsylvania to California and many other places, you’re no stranger to travel. What would be your ultimate vacation spot?
TC: Definitely Italy!

DH+: Do you have any hobbies or things you enjoy doing in your spare time?
TC: Oh yes, I like to watch different dramas and sitcoms, everything including Japanese, Korean, Chinese and American. I am also a big foodie and love trying new restaurants. I’m always on the hunt to find food that tastes great at a reasonable price! When it comes to family, I love to watch my girl’s soccer games and watch professional soccer games with her.

DH+: Very cool! Now it’s time for the lightning round. Pick one of the two choices and then provide a short sentence explaining why you chose that one.

DH+: Pizza or Tacos?
TC: Tacos – I LOVE tacos!

DH+: Movies or TV Shows?
TC: TV Shows, for sure. I watch all types from different countries.

DH+: Science or History?
TC: History! It’s like a mirror of the past and a lesson for the present.

DH+: Going Out or Staying In?
TC: Going Out. I like to go out to different places that I’ve never been to. COVID stopped that, but hopefully, this year, I can start to explore more and maybe take an international trip.

And that’s a wrap! Thanks for joining us, Tina, and thank you for all the amazing work you do at DeanHouston+!

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