Welcome to another installment of Dear Dale!
In this special section, we post a question or two from our reading audience that our Founder, CEO and fearless leader at DeanHouston+, Dale Dean will personally answer!
And now, for this month’s edition!
Dear Dale,
We have an established presence in certain territories, but we want to expand our footprint a bit. How do we best go about marketing in different regions to audiences we’ve never been in front of before?
Casting a New Line
Dale Dean:
Dear Fisherman,
This is a great question, one that many B2B companies face. The truth is, there isn’t one way to go about this, but rather many avenues you can explore. This is because each region is different, and audiences in those regions have different values, expectations and goals.
So, what we’re talking about here are location-specific marketing efforts. To be successful at this, you’ll need to really learn about the prospects in the region you’re interested in. You’ll want to create the most logical, connective and relevant experience for them and show them how you can solve their problems.
How do you do this? Start with a deep dive into developing strong local knowledge of the buyers in the region — who they are, what they want and how your product or service can address their concerns. This will allow you to customize your messaging specifically for that region, helping you to connect with the audience on realistic levels and begin the conversation to turn your new regional prospects into customers.
Got a question for Dale? Submit it right here and he’ll respond in a future INSPIRE issue!