In this installment of DH+ INSPIRE’s Women Transforming Manufacturing series, we speak with Mary Beth Hudson from the new Smart Factory Institute in Chattanooga, TN. Smart Factory Institute is a public-private partnership operated by PeakPerformance, Inc. and located inside the Volkswagen Academy. Their mission is to connect smart technology providers with manufacturers and educators to foster collaboration and encourage the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies.
Throughout this conversation, Mary Beth Hudson shares the human-focused approach to training and education that has allowed the institute to flourish globally. From conferences and networking events to staff training and more, the Smart Factory Institute is dedicated to empowering and optimizing the workforce through the latest technology. Mary Beth also elaborates about the resources available through the program that allow users to experience production systems before implementing them on the manufacturing floor. The conversation closes with a discussion about optimism, not just for the small suppliers hoping to adopt new technology, but for women in manufacturing, as more accessible training programs open doors for those interested in technology.
To learn more about the Smart Factory Institute and PeakPerformance, please click here.
If you’d like to connect with Mary Beth, she can be found here.
Women Transforming Manufacturing is a regular podcast and video series dedicated to highlighting and celebrating the women who are helping drive innovation, setting leadership standards and achieving incredible business results in the world of manufacturing. Follow us on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to stay on top of the inspiring conversations we have coming soon!